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Jas P Wilson invests in first electric vehicle
As well as HVO as a substitute for conventional diesel, mentioned in our previous Net Zero post, we have also been looking at other green fuel/power solutions for our company vehicles.
HVO Fuel
Following the initial announcement of our Commitment to reach #NetZero by 2030, we have started to look at areas where opportunities and improvements might be made to our working practices in order to push forward with our goals and objectives.
New Business Development
Our business has made significant investment over the years in the development of a number of new, innovative products and processes and we will continue to invest in this area as the business grows.
Industry 4.0 and Data Analytics
How we capture, create, store, analyse and use data to drive our business will become increasingly important and we are committed to developing and investing in our data capabilities as we continue to grow the business.
Investment in New, Energy Efficient Plant and Machinery
As part of a wider plan for Continuous Improvement across the business, we are also developing a rolling programme of capital investment to procure new machinery, which is far more energy efficient, which produces less waste and is fully multifunctional.
Circular Economy Model
A Circular Economy Model (“CE”) is “a model of production and consumption”, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible”.